Monday, July 21, 2008

Brilliante Weblog

Due to my utter laziness I am just now posting the lovely award I received from Carli, Monica, Ratlion and Gaia.

Here are the rules:
Put the logo on your blog
Add a link to the person who awarded you
Nominate at least 7 other blogs
Add links to those blogs on yours
Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.

Unfortunately, because I behaved like the lazy grasshopper it appears EVERYONE has received the award :(

On the other hand if you want to read a funny post about the award (and see a cute award with eyes) visit Mike R Baker!


Vhrsti said...

Congrats! It's only fair that you've received award like this!

heidi Younger Illustration said...

Congrats! Being lazy rocks!

mike r baker said...

What? You got one of these too? I suppose you think you deserve it, waving it around your blog all high and mighty and stuff. Just because you're all awesome and talented and wonderful and things like that there. Well, fine!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I love the award that Mike did. So much better than the original one.