Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Hurricane Sandy has come and gone and I am lucky to have power after 7 days of sitting in the dark with the animals to keep me warm and from losing my sanity. I am truly one of the lucky ones and I feel for those who have no power still and with a Nor'easter headed our way (adding insult to injury). We lost one of our beloved chinchillas the morning of the hurricane; he was our friendliest chinnie and always stood at his door ready to greet you and say a big hello...I've no idea why he passed but it took him three days of sad decline, me sitting up with him curled on my lap, watching him slowly die. He is buried under our huge holly tree and in good company with the two birds and one baby possum buried under there as well. And our fawn colored greyhound, Bea, had a stroke but recovered like a champ as if that harrowing Sunday morning and rush to NYC to the AMC had never happened. You can see in the photo where they shaved her neck for an MRI and spinal tap... I am lucky still...


heidi Younger Illustration said...

So sorry to hear about the chin passing. What a month!
I am soooo happy you got your power. My Mom STILL doesn't have her's... its going on 8 days!!!
I hope Bee feels better, she's in my prayers!
Hang in there!

Unknown said...

very sad news Sheree but happy to hear your greyhound has recovered :0)

Debbie Palen said...

I love that picture of Chinnie!... and Bea is lovely as usual. You really had a sting of hard luck; I'm sure better times are just around the corner.