Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The DMV and Georgia's birthday

Nothing like standing at the DMV for hours just to get your eyes checked --- I started to question whether I really needed my license and with the price of gas maybe I should dust off my bicycle (but where would I put the greyhound? - tuck her in the flower basket up front?) I used this time to sketch my fellow new yorkers and write witty observations - well, not so much witty; more like derelict, but say potato and I say spell it with an "e" (if ya get the reference you were paying attention and alive in the 90's- and smarter than a politician)

On a cheerful note, today is my rescue greyhound's fourth birthday. Asked what she wanted to do she flopped down on the couch and let out her famous greyhound sigh. She is easy to please...

Also, Georgia's friend, Cookie the dachshund, sent an email wishing her a happy birthday with the above photo attached! :)


heidi Younger Illustration said...

Happy Birthday to BOTH of you! Sorry you had to be at the DMV for it.
Now have some birthday cake and dance with Georgia!

Carla Sonheim said...
