Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Day 3 of 21 Days

Sketches of my greyhound, Georgia, done with black sumi ink and a cheapo chopstick (used as a drawing tool) that one gets from the japanese restaurants (you know the kind that splinters when you break them in half). I'd like to say these are blind contours but, alas, I did sneak looks at my paper.


Anonymous said...

Well, I love your topic: who can resist such a wonderful, sweet dog? But I really admire your line work, amazing to hear you used a chopstick! Did you sketch in pencil first or did it in one take? It's really wonderful...

sheree boyd said...

thanks, monica -- yeah, she's a great dog and a pretty good model to boot! I did it in one take - no pencil line at all - hence the "scrawl" look. :)

Alicia PadrĂ³n said...

They are so artistic! Those lines are gorgeous!! Kind of looks like asian writing characters, you know? They are awesome, you are really really really good at capturing her outline with continuos and precise strokes! Love the first one so much.. my favorite.

Kathleen Rietz said...

These are beautiful and your lines are elegant. But I am sure it helps to have a model with such graceful lines as a greyhound. You captured her so well.

Tom Barrett said...

Interesting tool choice! Nice line work and compositions.

And I don't think there is such a thing a 100% blind contour drawing. As artists, we are naturally curious, and that curiosity eats at us until we break and have to check our progress! :P

Anonymous said...

Really lovely gestural drawings. You worked wonders with that chopstick!

Unknown said...

love these sketches...your dog is so cute...I love working in ink alone...makes me really think about the piece and there's no turning back...

heidi Younger Illustration said...

Hey Sheree,
Very nice drawings, you've really got me wanting to draw!!!!
Love the chopstick technique- how it effects the line quality!
Very inspirational!
(just don't use that chopstick for dinner tonight).